“My position as Contracts Manager at BOF is to oversee the management of all bids & tenders. This involves the sourcing and tracking of tender opportunities, writing and compiling bid & tender responses and interpreting tender specifications and furniture requirements."
April 6, 2021
Cardiff University and BOF are teaming up to furnish three of the universities major new buildings.
BOF has been awarded the contract to provide furniture for the sbarc | spark, TRH and Abacws buildings via the YPO Furniture Framework following a rigorous competitive tendering process.
With over 30 years' experience as a furniture specialist within the education, public and private sectors, BOF creates inspiring environments by providing furniture from homegrown and global manufacturers.
James Dando, BOF Capital Projects, said: “These project awards represent a fantastic opportunity for Cardiff University and BOF collaboration to achieve client vision for these buildings and to deliver key client aspirations i.e. ‘to produce an environment that encourages creativity, innovation, and collaboration – fully commensurate with the ethos of Cardiff University and BOF.”
Professor Damian Walford Davies, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Head of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, oversees the delivery of sbarc | spark, and Professor Rudolf Allemann, Pro Vice-Chancellor International and Student Recruitment, Head of the College of Physical Sciences and Engineering, oversees the Translational Research Hub (TRH) and Abacws buildings.
"We are delighted to be working with BOF, a locally-based independent furniture supplier with an international reputation for shaping inspiring educational environments.
"The company's ambition fits perfectly with sbarc, a future magnet for thinkers and makers who can grow enterprises that bring benefits to Wales, with the cutting-edge spaces for industry-led partnerships within the TRH, and with Abacws - a world-leading computer science and maths building.
"BOF will provide a range of innovative furniture solutions across the three buildings for creative spaces, break-out zones, teaching rooms and sbarc's cafeteria based on BOF's top-scoring tender for cost, quality and sustainability.”
The Abacws building and sbarc | spark are due to open later this year, followed by the TRH next spring. The buildings form part of Cardiff University's biggest Campus upgrade for a generation.
The sbarc | spark and TRH are based on Cardiff Innovation Campus - the University's bespoke 'Home of Innovation' where thinkers, makers and backers will create new processes, products, start-ups and spinouts that help Wales to thrive after the Covid-19 pandemic.
BOF yn dodrefnu tri adeilad Prifysgol Caerdydd
Cwmni Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr i gyflenwi sbarc | spark, TRH ac Abacws
Mae Prifysgol Caerdydd yn gweithio gyda'r cyflenwr dodrefn annibynnol BOF i ddodrefnu tri o'i phrif adeiladau newydd.
Mae'r cwmni o Ben-y-bont ar Ogwr a Birmingham wedi cael y contract i ddarparu dodrefn ar gyfer adeiladau sbarc | spark ,Canolfan Ymchwil Drosiadol (TRH) ac Abacws drwy Fframwaith Dodrefn YPO yn dilyn proses dendro gystadleuol drylwyr.
Gyda dros 30 mlynedd o brofiad fel arbenigwr dodrefn yn y sectorau addysg, cyhoeddus a phreifat, mae BOF yn creu amgylcheddau ysbrydoledig drwy gynnig dodrefn gan weithgynhyrchwyr lleol a byd-eang.
Dywedodd James Dando, Prosiectau Cyfalaf BOF: "Mae'r prosiect hwn yn gyfle gwych i brifysgol Caerdydd a BOF gyflawni gweledigaeth cleientiaid ar gyfer yr adeiladau hyn ac i gyflawni dyheadau allweddol cleientiaid h.y. 'cynhyrchu amgylchedd sy'n annog creadigrwydd, arloesedd a chydweithredu – sy'n adlewyrchu ethos Prifysgol Caerdydd a BOF."
Mae'r Athro Damian Walford Davies, Rhag Is-Ganghellor, Pennaeth Coleg y Celfyddydau, y Dyniaethau a'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, yn goruchwylio'r gwaith o gyflwyno sbarc | spark, ac mae'r Athro Rudolf Allemann,, Rhag Is-Ganghellor Rhyngwladol a Recriwtio Myfyrwyr, Pennaeth Coleg y Gwyddorau Ffisegol a Pheirianneg, yn goruchwylio adeiladau'r Ganolfan Ymchwil Drosiadol (TRH) ac Abacws.
"Rydym yn falch iawn o fod yn gweithio gyda BOF, cyflenwr dodrefn annibynnol lleol sydd ag enw da yn rhyngwladol am lunio amgylcheddau addysgol ysbrydoledig.
"Mae uchelgais y cwmni yn cyd-fynd yn berffaith â sbarc, magnet yn y dyfodol i feddylwyr a gwneuthurwyr sy'n gallu tyfu mentrau sy'n dod â manteision i Gymru, gyda'r mannau arloesol ar gyfer partneriaethau a arweinir gan ddiwydiant o fewn y TRH, a chydag Abacws - adeilad cyfrifiadureg a mathemateg o'r radd flaenaf.
"Bydd BOF yn cynnig amrywiaeth o ddodrefn arloesol yn y tri adeilad ar gyfer mannau creadigol, parthau bach, ystafelloedd addysgu a ffreutur sbarc. Mae hyn yn seiliedig ar dendr BOF â sgôr uchel ar gyfer cost, ansawdd a chynaliadwyedd.”
Disgwylir i Adeilad Abacws a sbarc | spark agor yn hwyrach eleni, ac yna'r TRH y gwanwyn nesaf. Mae'r adeiladau'n rhan o waith uwchraddio mwyaf ar Gampws Prifysgol Caerdydd ers cenhedlaeth.
Mae sbarc | spark a TRH wedi'u lleoli ar Gampws Arloesedd Caerdydd - 'Cartref Arloesedd' pwrpasol y Brifysgol lle bydd meddyliwyr, gwneuthurwyr a chefnogwyr yn creu prosesau a chynhyrchion newydd, busnesau newydd a chwmnïau deilliannol sy'n helpu Cymru i ffynnu ar ôl pandemig COVID-19.