The library at UWTSD's Carmarthen Campus houses more than 110,000 books along with journals, DVDs, artefacts for teaching, children's books and more. The library also includes student computers, photocopiers and printing facilities.
Work started on the building at the end of the summer term after 6 months of intensive planning and consultation led by Karen Bewen-Chappell (Head of Customer Services, Library and Learning Resources) and Catrin Morgan-Jones (Project Officer, Operation and Facilities).
As the approved furniture supplier to the University we worked with the Estates and Library teams as well as the architects.
The Project team visited the BOF Showroom in Bridgend to view samples and choose finishes for the library. Judy Hall, Account Manager specified ranges from Hay and Frovi to compliment the Symphony Wood bench desking and Bruynzeel shelving.
At the library opening ceremony Alison Harding, Executive Head of Library Services commented;
“I was delighted to see the Carmarthen Campus library reopening in time for the start of the new academic year. There is no doubt that this refurbishment project has enhanced and improved the service we offer to our students. We believe that where you learn can impact on how well you learn - to be successful the learning environment has to be a physically and emotionally comfortable space. This is what the vision for the Project was and what we feel we have achieved. It is now a learning environment that supports many styles of learning, it is the combination of traditional functions, such as the print collections but also support group and individual study facilities and digital learning resource access...
The project also aimed to showcase a wonderful building, and also provided the opportunity for deep collaborative working across services.We hope our students and staff enjoy using and being in the space as much as we did creating it. We can now celebrate a truly current and accessible facility which meets the modern needs of our users.”